The objective of a medical peer review committee is to investigate the medical care rendered in order to determine whether accepted standards of care have been met.
"Did your quality assurance process identify any problem with the quality of care rendered?"
They have more skill than someone who is trained in basic first aid but they are not a substitute for advanced medical care rendered by emergency medical technicians, emergency physicians, nurses, or paramedics.
One of the variables included in the litmus test to determine the quality of care provided to a patient is the qualitative response by the patient to the question are you satisfied with the care rendered?
The care being rendered by the nursing home must be skilled.
"The presence, authorized or not, of the salesperson was also seen as not affecting the care rendered."
The legislation also required that the social security office reimburse providers for mandatory examinations, special care at home, and care rendered in hospital clinics and other health facilities.
Private ambulance services also participate (as first responder) to the Urgent Medical Aid Service but they are not a substitute for advanced medical care only rendered by doctors.
In the case of Dr. Einaugler's patient, the only economic loss would be the cost of medical care rendered during the four days that she survived after his care.
As risk of brain damage and developmental delay is significant at that threshold even if the infant survives, there are ethical controversies over the aggressiveness of the care rendered to such infants.