Chlorine in wastewater may further form carcinogenic compounds.
The plant also contains aristolochic acid, a carcinogenic compound.
Pepper contains small amounts of safrole, a mildly carcinogenic compound.
However, because benzene has been discovered to be a carcinogenic compound, its use has declined.
It contains copious amounts of hazardous substances, including carcinogenic compounds and heavy metals.
Others have suggested that it is due to the presence of carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines, which are created in the cooking process.
Now, scientists suggest the technique decreases the production of carcinogenic compounds in meats and fish cooked at high temperatures.
It may also produce carcinogenic compounds when burned.
On that evidence, it has been used as a replacement for carcinogenic compounds such as benzidine and o-phenylenediamine.
This is not too high a price to pay for ensuring that proven carcinogenic and toxic compounds stay off the menu.