The first step of the mechanism includes a zinc-bound hydroxide group performing a nucleophilic attack on a carbon substrate that materializes into the intermediate INT1.
Additional file 1 Click here for file Table 3lists the nine carbon substrates (PM1 plate) that were not metabolized by the sequenced 2004 strain.
They actually cut at the nano level--slicing out chunks of carbon substrate.
Other research includes thermolysis on defective carbon substrates, thus making hydrogen production possible at temperatures just under 1000 C.
Under mixotrophic conditions, both light and a carbon substrate such as sugars can provide energy for cell growth.
It suffers from inactivity in the presence of carbon monoxide gas and diffusion of the platinum particles in the carbon substrate to form agglomerates that harm performance.
Crewe and coworkers at the University of Chicago developed the cold field emission electron source and built a STEM able to visualize single heavy atoms on thin carbon substrates.
Thin and continuous films can be deposited on carbon substrates, retaining the 3D integrity.
Activated carbon works via a process called adsorption, whereby pollutant molecules in the fluid to be treated are trapped inside the pore structure of the carbon substrate.
This process requires the algae to grow in a dark fermentation vessel and be fed by carbon substrates within their growth media.