While the long term studies tend to show an increase in carbon storage, the short term studies do not.
Rainforests also provide many essential services beyond their carbon storage.
One major concern is the enormous monitoring effort needed in order to make sure projects are indeed leading to increased carbon storage.
Nature gives us these services, along with climate control, water purification, carbon storage and the vital production of oxygen, for free.
These effects can in turn alter timber production, outdoor recreational activities, water quality, wildlife and rates of carbon storage.
Climate change effects that influence tree growth will also alter rates of carbon storage (or sequestration) in trees and soils.
Seagrass meadows account for 15% of the ocean's total carbon storage.
The process has advantages for geologic carbon storage.
Use Taxes and savings to invest in clean coal, oil gas and carbon storage.
I think that semi-solutions such as carbon storage cannot be a solution for the future.