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Then, carbon pollution will turn into a cost of doing business.
Senator Lautenberg is a leading voice in Congress to address climate change by cutting carbon pollution and creating a new clean energy economy.
The efficiency savings alone will reduce projected carbon pollution in 2020 by the equivalent of taking 57 million cars off the road for a year.
It would double our reliance on the dirtiest source of oil available, drive a significant increase in carbon pollution, and lock this in for a century.
Making improvements in building efficiency will reduce energy use, lower utility bills, decrease carbon pollution and support American jobs that can't be outsourced.
The carbon pollution on earth reached trigger mass.
The impacts of climate change are ever more evident, and we pump ever more carbon pollution into the atmosphere each year.
Steel makers have been among the biggest beneficiaries of windfall gains from unused Europeans carbon pollution permits.
To hell with C markets: we need a tax on carbon pollution at the source (wellhead, pit, port of entry).
And all this information will help increase renewable energy generation, provide support for plug-in electric vehicles, and reduce the carbon pollution that causes climate change.