The air tasted fine, with proper traces of carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides and petrochemicals.
The carbon oxides are removed before use by means of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) with molecular sieves for the final purification.
Metal carbides, carbon oxides, and nitrogen-containing carbon compounds are of importance in a wide number of applications.
Hydrocarbon combustion affords the two principal carbon oxides: carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
At elevated temperatures carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon oxides, and will reduce such metal oxides as iron oxide to the metal.
They contain molecular hydrogen (H), carbon oxides and helium, and around 1% (by mass) of silicate dust.
However, carbon oxide is an ambiguous name since carbon forms two oxides, CO and C02.
The existence of graphene oxide and of other stable polymeric carbon oxides with unbounded molecular structures suggests that many more remain to be discovered.
Some of these reactive carbon oxides were detected within molecular clouds in the interstellar medium by rotational spectroscopy.
Life, as currently recognized, requires carbon in both reduced (methane derivatives) and partially oxidized (carbon oxides) states.