The inclusion of carbon caps has been a major obstacle in negotiations over the bill.
I support necessary policies that will help our country reduce its carbon footprint, transition away from reliance on fossil fuels, and implement a carbon cap and trade system.
Transportation emissions will be regulated under the national carbon cap, though under a separate trading program.
She had plans to present the president with a petition to place a mandatory carbon cap on the United States.
Being underwater is a carbon cap of sorts.
But if support for new reactors is the price of getting Senate agreement to a carbon cap, he said in an interview, he would negotiate over that.
If the political will was there to make the carbon cap tighter, then it would be a good way of cutting carbon in an economically efficient way.
As fossil fuel generation becomes less attractive it will be increasingly unattractive to exceed a carbon cap because the financial disincentive will grow via market forces.
Fetterman has also been involved in the Environmental Defense Fund's advocacy for carbon caps and green technology, believing development of green energy industries can revitalize the region's economy.
For now, a carbon cap or tax is opposed by President Bush, most American lawmakers and many industries.