It is caused by a polymerization process that begins with oxygen molecules attacking the carbon backbone.
The bulk of the molecule is a carbon backbone, with a small number of nitrogen and sulfur molecules thrown in.
If a compound has a handful of double bonds in its carbon backbone, modifying the right one can be a nightmare.
The same applies to challenges like adding the right side chain in the right location, or even building a large carbon backbone in the first place.
When this curl breaks, it leaves small chains sprouting from the main carbon backbone.
The main fraction are carboxylic acids with a carbon backbone of 9 to 20 carbons.
Unlike typical hydrocarbons, the structure features a helical carbon backbone.
Replies: This is probably a carbon backbone with -OH connected to it.
The carbon backbone does not contribute to the polar character of a compound.
A series of linked carbon atoms is known as the carbon skeleton or carbon backbone.