These cells provide an example of the role of smooth ER in carbohydrate metabolism.
The Coris left Roswell in 1941 after publishing their work on carbohydrate metabolism.
Parnas's major work was the study of the mechanisms of carbohydrate metabolism in muscle tissue.
It is a theory that demonstrates the importance of lactic acid in carbohydrate metabolism.
These hormones also regulate protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism, affecting how human cells use energetic compounds.
The main goal of diabetes management is to restore carbohydrate metabolism to as close to a normal state as possible.
Her research there included carbohydrate metabolism in monocotyledons, especially barley, and its relationship with the plant's mineral nutrition.
It was characterized as an inborn error of carbohydrate metabolism in 1908.
During pregnancy, both protein metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism are affected.
Lactic acid is the main end product of their characteristic heterofermentative carbohydrate metabolism.