The caravan pulled into a driveway between two warehouse complexes, and the sedan ahead quickly pumped its brake lights three times as they entered the warehouse district.
Each night our caravan pulled into another trailer park.
When the caravan of cars pulls back onto the Saw Mill Parkway in the early morning hours once a month, the Hastings teen-agers head toward home, soccer games, romance and homework.
As their caravan of vans pulled away from our home, their extension ladders shuddering in the Arctic wind, we realized that all was not only quiet but actually beautiful as well.
'Oh - but Dobby couldn't pull two caravans, Mummy,' said Anne.
If he was caught, he'd claim he was left behind when the caravan pulled away and was just looking for a place to sleep.
The caravan was pulling away swiftly.
As his caravan pulled into this small town, he asked Mrs. Chandrashekhar, whose campaign he had come to boost, "What shall I tell them here?"
MEANWHILE, the substituted caravan was pulling into the second checking station right on time.
I ask a Syrian reporter, as Ms. Albright's caravan pulls into town.