The police charged that the man was drunk at the time his car smashed into the woman's automobile.
The car spun off the road and smashed into a tree on the driver's side.
The car then shot back up the banking and both cars smashed into the wall.
Driving home I was waiting for the light to change when a car that must've been going 55 smashed into me from behind.
The car smashed through the barricade and onto the street.
The car smashed into the outside wall of the track and then rolled 325 feet along the barrier.
From many little bits of information, they would know their fugitive was the man whose Forever car they'd smashed.
His car smashed into the catch fencing above the wall and spun.
The car came racing around the curve and smashed into the body seated in the chair.
A car had crossed over to the wrong lane and smashed into two other cars.