All nine car lanes reopened last month, but one will be shut again soon for repairs.
Beyond a set of traffic lights at the Prospect Hotel, the road remains dual carriageway, but the inside lane is a 'no car lane'.
The upper deck carries six car lanes, while the lower deck carries two train tracks.
The upper platform, running 70 m above water, started carrying 4 car lanes, two in each direction, with a dividing guardrail.
Only about 100 of the pier's 500 parking spaces were occupied, and the pier's special "kiss and sail" car lane was empty.
The bridge spans 400 feet over the Atwater section of the Los Angeles River and has 4 car lanes.
The Government Bridge, completed in 1896, is notable for having two sets of railroad tracks above the car lanes.
The bridge was built wide enough that the pedestrian path can be converted to a car lane, allowing for a three lanes.
Some narrower sections of Hurontario/Main Street will be reduced to one car lane per direction.
It is 306.9 meters long, 21.9 meters wide, and has two car lanes in each direction.