Jeremy, a car buff, was working with a sports car theme, searching for photographs of 2001 models to add to his site.
A car buff, for example, can pull up a Honeywell site and find the filter he needs to change the oil in his car himself.
The enforcer for a Florida drug ring is a classic car buff who walks with a slight limp.
He became a car buff in 1946, when he was 9 years old.
To car buffs, they are like the first robins of spring.
Madison, already a car buff, began to warm to the vehicle.
Starling was a car buff, as anyone who saw her car could tell.
Dad was a car buff, and he bought the best.
Paper models like the Intersection cards are becoming increasingly popular among car buffs.
He was a populist, the kind of guy that other car buffs could emulate.