The building also has the city's first so-called gray water system, which captures and recycles runoff from sinks and showers.
It was about 40 feet high and 800 feet along and captured runoff from several small streams.
Below the dam, most of the Arroyo Seco stream, with two short exceptions, is contained in a concrete channel that captures stormwater and municipal runoff.
A twin chamber rain garden has been built to capture runoff from a 120 space car parking lot and adjoining buildings on the College of Wooster campus.
The board also approved plans for an underground water retention system to capture runoff from the roof that will make it possible to offer a variety of amenities.
The main purpose of the reservoir is to capture runoff from winter storms to recharge in the Alamitos percolation pond system during the summer.
Some airports are now capturing and treating de-icing runoff before allowing it to enter waterways.
The Justice Center was built with sustainable materials and includes lawns on its roofs for insulation and to capture runoff.
In September, a state administrative law judge gave him permission to build two holes of his golf course in order to test an absorption system to capture runoff.
Coarse gravel in the channel captures runoff from the hill and diverts it around and away from the house.