More sophisticated marketing mix models have a floating base that can capture changes in underlying brand equity for a product over time.
First, it fails to capture important changes in consumption patterns since the early 1960's.
A database transaction log is referenced to capture changes made to the database.
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and 1970s led artists to capture and express the times and changes.
Analysts worry that the statistical system fails to capture the array of new technologies and structural changes in the economy.
The 1992 statistics, the latest available, fail to capture changes of the last nine months.
CDP is a service that captures changes to data to a separate storage location.
The pavilion captures the surrounding landscape and changes of light creating an intense visual effect with the sky.
One aspect of these models that hasn't been explicitly tested is their ability to capture rapid, irreversible changes to the climate system.
The scientists now hope to be able to capture changes that occur as often a million times a second as proteins perform crucial functions in the body.