The English soldiers then occupied the city for over two months and captured much booty along with a ransom before departing on 12 April.
After loading their squadron with captured guns, ammunition, 250 slaves and other booty the English departed on 9 October after two weeks of occupation.
For reasons unclear, the Iroquois shifted their military focus from capturing prisoners and booty to destroying the entire Huron people.
They spared only the black slaves whom they took as captured booty.
His campaign war chest was swelled with captured booty, while the underfinanced Johnson-Sirleaf effort was late in starting.
The Persians suffered heavy casualties, while the Byzantines captured great booty, including 24 war elephants which were sent to Constantinople.
The smugglers often held letters of marque from multiple countries, authorizing them to capture booty from differing nations.
He had maintained a forward position, capturing rich booty on the way.
Inflicting severe losses on the enemy, capturing many prisoners, twenty machine guns, six minnenwerfers and other booty.
They captured booty from the bungalows of British officers and the treasury.