As the captain slowed to turn into her cabin, Grady took a long step past her.
The captain slowed too, matching Gabriel's pace.
A few minutes later, the boat was nosing its way through a loose mass of floating vegetation, and the captain slowed speed to a crawl.
As Blade had expected, the captain slowed for a moment when he realized that his opponent was not leaping aside any more.
The doctor's attention returned to his chronometer as the captain slowed and came to a stop before them.
The captain slowed the boat again, and we lowered our rigs.
The second Aifa's captain slowed immediately to assess the situation-which was the worst thing he could have done.
At just after ten o'clock the captain slowed the engines and sent Wynn forward to the bow.
The captain slowed his gait and greeted the linguist.
The captain slowed his jet to 150 miles an hour, enabling him to track the small plane.