A tall, slender captain in black and gold sailed down the tube, graceful as a bird after the diplomats' clumsier efforts.
The captain sailed into inky blackness, unable even to tell whether any sort of reception committee awaited them.
The captain and the crew merely sail the ship; someone's got to look after the contents.
If I didn't blow, the captain couldn't sail his eighty miles a day.
So the captain abandoned them and sailed back to Khartoum.
No captain with any sense ever willingly sailed in thick fog.
Was he not the captain of the greatest ship to sail between the stars?
If 'yes,' my captain will sail him here to you, and I will have to content myself somehow with a lesser bride.
Their captains, apparently unaware of the hostilities, sailed before Pondicherry with British flags flying.
My captain and I sail to foreign ports.