The mascot of the space command, Valet, lapped water from a bowl the captain had provided for him.
The captain had provided her with bogus documents several times before, and each one had held up to the closest scrutiny.
The boat's "captain" provides a running commentary - in Japanese - of the dangers on both sides.
The cruiser's captain provided a merciful inter-ruption.
The captain had also provided him with medication for his pain, but the analgesic hadn't been able to mask it completely.
"They are something the captain has provided for the ship."
Maybe the captain could provide the information they were looking for.
The captain could provide no intelligence as to the identity of these remains.
Their captain had led them through many unorthodox adventures and provided Olvir with tales enough to while away the nights of the longest winter.
And that was the only information the captain would provide about Riker's alleged acquaintance.