Understood what went on in the dark places where most captains dare not look.
It meant that no captain depending on his regular pay to support a wife and family dare take a risk where failure could blast his career.
Every ship was fairly quivering with each crew's frustrated will to fight- but no captain on either side dared to give any other orders.
She fell silent then, overcome with emotion, and the captain didn't dare break that silence.
Conrad's captain "had not dared to consult a doctor."
No sane captain would dare risk his vessel and no crew be willing to take the chance.
The captain didn't dare turn down the invitation--nor did he have any desire to do so.
No captain would dare refuse to give a truthful answer to their 'Gods'.
The captain of the Hand's guard, and yet Father dared not try and stop it!
And what captain dared to sail his ship there?