"We determined that the Chancellor had not acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner," Thompson says.
That decision forced states to reconsider their death penalty statutes to ensure they were not administered in a capricious or discriminatory manner.
Moebius has explained that the story was improvised in a deliberately whimsical or capricious manner.
But other lines are scribbled over them in a seemingly capricious manner.
The Ro-mulans are not in the habit of acting in a capricious or haphazard manner.
There are way to many regulatory "eyeballs" watching our every move and granting or not-granting approvals in a very capricious manner.
A wiser Court found in 1972 that the death penalty was unconstitutional because of the arbitrary and capricious manner in which it was then administered.
Lawyers explain that the way around the agreement is to contend that the commissioner has acted in an arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable manner.
The article charges that, "critics say drugs have been handed out in an almost capricious manner".
That fee was voided last year by a federal judge saying that they have been set in an arbitrary and capricious manner.