"This is an arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable act."
There had been no logic in the prince's capricious act, which had released her and Spock, but she was thankful for it.
Through a capricious act of magic, the soul of the designer is reincarnated in the young rapper's body.
"We're trying to keep decision-making at the local level," Dr. Lepley said, "but we also want to make sure that this is not an arbitrary and capricious act by the board against its own citizens."
In The Guardian, Catherine Bennett wrote: "The ban on Savage is so far from being a comprehensible act, so staggeringly capricious and stupid, as to defy evaluation."
The day after her dismissal, Ms. Dunaway calmly told a swarm of reporters that Mr. Lloyd Webber's decision to close the show was "yet another capricious act by a capricious man."
Warning From Miller The Senate majority leader, Warren M. Anderson, termed the Governor's veto of the ethics measure an "arbitrary and capricious act" that ignored built-in provisions for improving the bill.
And since almost all pay phones reject incoming calls these days, he said that he recognizes that his original hope of instigating capricious acts of contact between strangers is now nearly moot.
Iyasu's many capricious acts served only to further alienate the aristocracy.
Colma was founded as a necropolis by cemetery operators in 1924, to protect graveyards from capricious acts of government.