Q: If there are power shortages, which will you keep running, the cappuccino machine or the air conditioner?
Moments later, he left, saying that next time we should meet elsewhere; the cappuccino machine here was just too loud.
The cappuccino machine hissed, then stopped; she twisted her head and looked over her shoulder at him.
And the cappuccino machine had gotten knocked to the floor, where it was in pieces.
Two companies that market espresso and cappuccino machines have named agencies.
You can't walk down the street without tripping over a cappuccino machine or coming upon a strawberry iced tea.
One of them says, "We made our way up through contemporary fiction and on to the cappuccino machine."
They already know they can make money selling sweaters and cappuccino machines by mail.
There would be justice in the world the day police officers had cappuccino machines.
The sharp hiss of the cappuccino machine punctuated their conversations, which for some reason were louder than everybody else's.