THE capitalized words printed just above these, which you may have read or maybe your eye skipped over them, are my first and last names.
On either side of the capitalized words were fierce Eighty-second Airborne fighting eagles.
However, they did ask that the capitalized word "Spam" be reserved to refer to their product and trademark.
The systematic use of capitalized and uncapitalized words in running text is called "mixed case".
They may even have the capitalized word "Landrace" in their breed names.
Bellew's eyes bulged as he scanned the capitalized words again.
Much was easy to imagine: a strident, piping voice behind the capitalized words and exclamation marks.
You might even want to draw a map of the island, locating on it all the features listed below (the capitalized words).
Each line of text in the above has eight beats, and usually the chords fall (piano) or begin (organ) on the capitalized words.
The key to press corresponded to the first letter of each capitalized word in the prompt.