Unfortunately, the secretary of the Treasury does not seem to understand this basic tenet of American, democratic and capitalist values.
The true nature of humanity is emerging, calling for a shift away from capitalist values and exploration of the hidden wealth in practising an Open Source philosophy.
The first, Conventional Worlds, sees capitalist values maintained and only market forces and incremental policy reform trying to curb environmental degradation.
"Freedom sometimes bears unexpected fruit," he told a press conference, describing his tale of a small village in the middle of Russia rocked by the encroachment of capitalist values.
But workers subject to capitalist values are characterized primarily by material self-interest.
The US has historically provided a mix of both capitalist and socialist values.
Hence, Mr. Putin had to choose between undermining capitalist values (mainly secure property rights) or democratic values (mainly the respect for the views of the majority).
Instead of becoming agrarian capitalists, farmers held onto preindustrial capitalist values emphasizing family and community.
Therefore, capitalist values such as private property, competition, profit and exploitation need to be considered as more than mere questions of market and ideology.
Marx believed that capitalist values were completely determined by considerations of productivity.