At best according to many historians, the Jeffersonians were reactionary utopians who resisted the onrush of capitalist modernity in hopes of turning America into a yeoman farmers' arcadia.
It retraces the historical evolution of art into its paradoxical state of "semi-autonomy" within capitalist modernity, considering the socio-political implications of this progression.
From this standpoint, Echeverría formulated a rigorous critique of postmodernity, with which he developed his theory of capitalist modernity and the baroque ethos, a form of cultural resistance in Latin America.
As sociology arose primarily as a reaction to capitalist modernity, economics played a role in much classic sociological inquiry.
Again there's a preoccupation with the way in which the trappings of a capitalist modernity are only wrapping paper covering the ills that lurk beneath the surface.
Photography's participation in bogus fantasies of transcendence is satirically revealed, and that may be read as a broader comment on the empty and delusive promises of capitalist modernity.
It became the subject of intense debate and attention both for its methodology-an unusually socio-historical approach to intellectual history-and its expressed politics, which are critical of capitalist modernity.
Moreover, while cultural synchronization, with capitalist modernity, imposes direct threat to "survival of the culture itself", Tomlinson argues that cultural imperialism is to be considered as a process of adaptation to a new environment.
As capitalist modernity expanded into southern Africa from the 1880s and east Asia from the 1890s, anarchism spread into those regions as well.
The project conceives of a great historical role for Russia in moving the world out of the global crisis of capitalism, based on the country's experience of alternatives to capitalist modernity and so-called post-modernity).