But this can't be happening, a capitalist government going cap in hand to a communist government.
Haven't both said all the Western capitalist governments need to get their fingers out and do something?
The peace program of social democracy was for the proletariat to turn their weapons on their common enemy - the capitalist governments.
Those who refused all compromise with a capitalist government followed Guesde, while the reformists formed several groups.
The unions are hand in glove with an unequivocally capitalist government and civil servants neatly put their politicians' policy into delightfully practical action.
The government socialists of either bloc had lost credibility because of their "hodman services" for the capitalist governments.
Keynes died in 1946, but during the 1950s and 1960s the success of Keynesian economics resulted in almost all capitalist governments adopting its policy recommendations.
Over time, France did eventually become a capitalist industrial government (175-176).
He and his men have been secretly opposed to the capitalist proAmerican government in Manila for over forty years.
Do you think they feel that the Communist Party today promotes prosperity more than a democratic, more capitalist government would?