According to the Marxist historian, Walter Rodney, imperialism meant capitalist expansion.
Many of these travel narratives were themselves the result of the "opening up" of Haiti during the US Occupation (1915-1934) and Western capitalist expansion across the greater Caribbean.
According to Wolf, races were constructed and incorporated during the period of European mercantile expansion, and ethnic groups during the period of capitalist expansion.
They argued that the current capitalist expansion would last for an extended period, which precluded renewed revolutionary struggles by working people.
Just like TR had done at a time of capitalist expansion with his Square Deal, and a measured, "speak softly but carry a big stick" approach to rising US power.
It puts the necessity for capitalist expansion at the centre of the theory.
However, Schnaiberg felt that environmental damage caused by state-political and labor-supported capitalist expansion may cause a decline both in the state's funding as well as worker livelihood.
Rather, as Mr. Hobsbawm describes it, global capitalist expansion engendered an atmosphere of limitlessness, in which the linkage of national interest to concretely defined objectives was severed.
The shift into proto-globalization trade signified the "emergence of the modern international order" and the development of early capitalist expansion which began in the Atlantic during the 17th century and spread throughout the world by 1830.
Giovanni Arrighi extended Braudel's analysis to suggest that a predominance of finance capitalism is a recurring, long-term phenomenon, whenever a previous phase of commercial/industrial capitalist expansion reaches a plateau.