Apprehensions are growing among some residents of this capitalist enclave that China and Britain together are choking off the prospects for a democratic future for Hong Kong.
Stocks Rebound As a result, share prices in this beleaguered capitalist enclave, which plummeted after the crackdown, have rebounded sharply.
North Korea says that to prevent ideological contamination, it will build a wall around the capitalist enclave that it recently announced its intention to establish along the border with China.
It sometimes seems that this capitalist enclave is planning to take over China in just 10 years.
Mr. Kim, by most accounts piqued at Chinese interference, has yet to find someone else to head his planned capitalist enclave.
Today Hong Kong remains a capitalist enclave with its laws and rights intact, and China has promised that Hong Kong will continue in this fashion for at least 50 years.
The postwar city was two towns, a capitalist enclave in a Communist sea, and a state capital of East Germany.
Many Chinese professionals are fleeing Hong Kong because of concern over how the Communists on the mainland will manage the prosperous capitalist enclave.
And it gives him the opportunity to assess one of the grander experiments in modern political history: China's pledge to let Hong Kong remain a capitalist enclave in the world's last Communist empire.
The events in Beijing traumatized people in Hong Kong because they seemed to foretell a grim future for this capitalist enclave.