Once the fluid is present, it is held in place by capillary forces and usually can not be removed.
They are commonly found in the vicinity of the original spill or leak where capillary forces have trapped them.
The most likely theory explains helictites as a result of capillary forces.
When green wood dries, free water from the cell lumina, held by the capillary forces only, is the first to go.
It uses capillary forces to circulate the two-phase working fluid.
Their strange growth style is most likely caused by capillary forces acting on the water droplets.
The pores that are too large to have any significant capillary force.
They do not have capillary forces too great so that the water does not become limiting to the plants.
Numerous applications employ passive fluid control techniques like capillary forces.
If too wide, there will not be much capillary force.