Productive capacity could expand, supporting economic growth while keeping a lid on prices.
You are asserting that there is no capacity in the economy to quantity expand.
Classes emerge when the productive capacity of society expands beyond the level required for subsistence.
But when capacity expands, he expects the outlook for his privately financed venture to brighten.
Most important, too many of the current members lack the capacity to expand their parochial focus into a larger vision for the city's schoolchildren.
American electricity use increased 8 percent over the past four years, while electric generating capacity expanded by 12 percent.
At certain points, the waiting lists grow when the capacity expands.
But though his capacity could have expanded with the scope of his charge, the illogical had invaded.
Don't you understand-the technical capacity has expanded so fast, no one's really grasped the full potential of it yet.
It will continue to play an important role in resolving disputes at the local level, as the reach and capacity of the statutory justice sector expands.