With capacity at the ground exceeding 100,000 from the early 1900s until the 1980s, the Roar could be heard several miles away from the stadium.
The Junior Class features machines whose capacity must not exceed 750cc.
This situation becomes unfair for students, because the required capacity exceeds the maximum capability.
Including the playing surface, the capacity of the stadium can exceed 6,000 for concerts and non-sporting events.
After all, why expand when the capacity to produce already exceeds demand?
His mill's capacity exceeded the distribution infrastructure, and he looked to rail as a solution.
The expansion resulted in an increase of the overall number of seats to just over 6,000 and a total capacity exceeding 8,500.
Under 30D(b)(3), that portion of the credit determined by battery capacity cannot exceed $5,000.
Your race's capacity for violence exceeds anything we have heretofore encountered.
"The capacity of the refineries exceeds the quantity that we can compete for in the marketplace."