Eventually that capacity could enable the ordering of thousands of movies, and many other services, at the touch of a button.
As another example, the capacity to repair and regenerate enables humans to respond to damage, but leave them susceptible to developing cancer.
I had neither the training nor the capacity that would have enabled me to match Mr. Platt and his machine people on their own ground.
CRT's capacity to value options far more precisely enabled them to narrow the bid/ask spread in the options market.
This capacity is no more than a device to enable the organisation to act, and should not be seen as either creating or weighing against an agency relationship.
It is precisely through the evolution of conceptualising capacities (and, in particular, of language enabling complex social interactions) that human beings have come to dominate other species.
The enormous capacity of the Grosses Schauspielhaus enabled low ticket prices, and the creation of a 'peoples theatre'.
Second, you necessarily elect people whose intellectual capacity enables them to look at a very complex issue like abortion and see it in simplistic black-and-white terms.
Tight capacity enabled the carriers to raise fares without fear of setting off a broad fare sale.
Strengthen FCA's institutional capacity to enable it to meet these priorities.