While marginal capacity additions were still feasible, to cope with any significant increase in capacity or even normal traffic growth was virtually felt to be impossible.
In Brazil, capacity addition traditionally lagged behind demand growth.
In response to a capacity addition three immediate effects occur.
This is primarily due to capacity addition with the second terminal commencing operations coupled with new services starting to call the Chennai port.
If we want our companies to be strong international competitors a few years from now, economic policy should encourage capacity addition, rather than depress demand through higher interest rates.
Most of its capacity additions have been to replace older, less efficient plants.
"Of course, capacity additions will have an impact."
We aim following capacity addition up to the financial year 2012-13.
There are already signs that aggressive capacity additions could backfire in this unpredictable climate.
"Moreover, capacity additions raise the required rate of demand growth for retaining high industry profits," he said.