The Bamaga Hospital has an establishment of three medical officers and nine nursing officers who can capably handle most cases presented.
They are looking for somebody who can capably handle the affairs of state right now.
Jonathan Green and Conrad Ekkens capably handled two other character roles.
His deputy, Matt Roderick, capably handled almost all day-to-day problems.
He listened, nodding, to further details, including the fact that someone else would capably handle the business while he was gone.
Donna is a somewhat idealized housewife who capably handles any problems or situations that come her way.
They are shown not only boosting Jordan's power, but also capably handling the two battling Corps.
He is batting .325, and he capably handled the quirky right field at Fenway this week.
But Thisbe capably handled the paperwork he had.
But the Escape was the standout, striking a fine balance between fun and utility and capably handling every road, trail or track maneuver.