The floating cap of sea ice on the Arctic Ocean shrank this summer to what is probably its smallest size in at least a century of record keeping, continuing a trend toward less summer ice, a team of climate experts reported yesterday.
Both polar caps shrink and regrow following the temperature fluctuation of the Martian seasons; there are also longer-term trends that are not fully understood.
However, whereas the northern cap is shrinking at a rate of about 3% per decade, the southern cap is expanding at a rate of 0.8% per decade.
In additon to tracking the storms, it is also interesting to watch how the seasonal cap shrinks from the beginning to the end of the animation.
After that, the cap would shrink to 290,000.
But this cap can talk and can shrink Link to the size of the half-inch Minish people, who cohabit unseen with humans.
As the caps shrink, dark patches expand in the planet's middle latitudes: a phenomenon described by the French-born American astronomer Gerard de Vaucouleurs in 1948 as "a wave of darkening."
As summer warmed the region, the cap would shrink by half, retreating from shorelines, but for now, the world was solid ice.
Democrats say the caps have shrunk domestic nonmilitary spending to its smallest share of the national economy since 1962.