Sublime scenery explodes into a vast, almost circular canyon surrounded by striated rock eroded into every shape and size.
The Arizona gray squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus endemic to the canyons and valleys surrounded by deciduous and mixed forests in eastern Arizona and northern Mexico.
During the summer months from December to March, the wetland dries up to become a large canyon surrounded by brush.
Lake Shikotsu, one of the exceptions to that rule, rests in a green canyon surrounded by steep peaks, including at least two active volcanoes on which white sulphurous fumes seep from the crevices.
They were in a deep canyon surrounded by mountains.
This survival course led by three guides, has you clambering over rocks and streams filled with fish and crabs at the bottom of a huge canyon surrounded by rich green forest.
The habitat is a serpentine canyon surrounded by non-serpentine terrain and many rare serpentine-endemic plants are isolated within.
Turning the dapple, he rode slowly across the canyon, surrounded by his peculiar retinue.
Once again they found themselves in a narrow canyon, surrounded by sheer rock walls.
They headed on downtown on broad streets obviously intended for walking and not any sort of vehicular traffic, as if in the bottom of a deep canyon surrounded by glass-like walls.