At the 1877 National Artistic Exposition in Venice he exhibited a canvas titled Antiquarian.
His first painting was oil on canvas titled Black Boy, 1844.
The silliest work is a giant canvas titled "Ideology."
The new arrival is a 13-by-17-inch canvas titled "Two Men Contemplating the Moon" that Friedrich painted in 1830, when he was in his mid-50's.
As another war approached in 1939 he felt compelled to weigh in with a grandiose statement, a big canvas titled "The 20th Century."
The oil on canvas titled "The Siege" (1943) is his most abstracted and Surrealistic work.
It was an 1895 oil on canvas titled "The Day After."
This is clearest in the show's centerpiece and best painting, a large canvas titled "Cote d'Argent."
No wonder the artist is unhappy - read all about it in the canvas titled "What Is Dragging Me?"
Peter Lampke's oil on canvas titled "Dinner's Ready" (1996) shows a glimpse of the seedier side of domesticity.