Result; sterilized cannabis seeds continue to be imported into the U.S. from Italy, China and other countries.
In 2003 another update to the "Portuguese drugs law" brought the criminalization of the possession of cannabis seeds, except certified industrial hemp seed.
These sites were used to order cannabis seeds online and obtain information on cannabis cultivation.
Typically, grow shops or hydroponic stores did not sell drug paraphernalia or anything even closely relating to drugs like cannabis seeds.
Clone-only variety - A cannabis grower may grow a cannabis seed into a plant and find that this plant is unique in some way.
Mice, rats and fowl are all known to like cannabis seed and it is a favoured food amongst some British pigeon fanciers.
The Linnets' fondness of the cannabis seed has earned it the Latin species name of cannabina.
Boiled cannabis seed is frequently used by British sport fishermen, as fish are very fond of this as bait.
He is currently serving a five-year sentence in a United States federal prison for selling cannabis seeds.
Additional cannabis seeds were discovered in a small leather pouch.