A "best in show" from Westminster is the canine equivalent of Olympic gold.
Sometimes he sang without words; sometimes he used his own canine equivalent of the English words of the song.
The hound gave the canine equivalent of a shrug, but immediately lost interest because now the Master, the Center of its Universe, spoke.
As a result, animals linger on the canine equivalent of death row for months, taking space needed for other animals.
Young Chips, who was returning from some canine equivalent of a lodge meeting, had been watching the shopkeeper's progress for some moments.
They'd been promised hunting experience, but hadn't expected it to be galbys, which were large canine equivalents.
No later sentence trumps "the canine equivalent of an exposed nerve."
It affects the entire retina and is the canine equivalent of retinitis pigmentosa.
Or how about a teacup poodle so tiny it will fit into a purse - the canine equivalent of a bonsai?
Rico also responded correctly to a new word with a single exposure, apparently using a canine equivalent of the fast mapping mechanism used by humans.