Tickets to today's candlelight concert are $18 at the door.
The candlelight concert will be followed by a buffet of Viennese pastries and coffee.
Today, 4, candlelight concert with strings, brass, handbells, harpsichord and voices.
And lovers of classical music can attend the Candlelight Concerts held at the Congregational Church on four Sundays a year.
The events were planned for late Sunday afternoons, so we said let's call them Candlelight Concerts, and for a while we did indeed put candles around.
During the winter months, CMSP holds its Annual Candlelight Concert.
It's something of a dull doldrums time," Mr. Vogt said, "so we've decided to brighten things up with a series of free one-hour candlelight concerts.
On December 3, 2010, Grimm and Smokey Robinson raised over $1 million during the 37th Annual Candlelight Concert.
Tues., 8, candlelight concert of carols, works by Respighi, with St. John Chorale of Washington.
The Christmas portion of "Messiah" can be heard in Saturday's 8 p.m. Candlelight Concert at Wesleyan University.