In one corner Sunday night, Brian Leetch stated candidly that the team's power play had to be revamped.
I must candidly state that where I saw Monsieur pass, enthusiasm was chiefly confined to his own retinue, and to persons who appeared to belong to a superior class of society.
We state candidly and with deep regret the failure to effectively pursue justice.
As Mr. Bartlett candidly states in his New York Times article, "Republicans don't care one whit about actually balancing the budget."
Writer John Wagner candidly stated that he believes:
Earlier in the episode, he remarks that Chuck should be on the mission to destroy Volkoff with Walker and himself, candidly stating that "Chuck's a spy... he's good at it."
(Merriam, 1939) Indeed, the very preface of the work candidly states: "As usual, those who look in Russell's pronouncements for dotty opinions will be able to find a few".
'Dr Scarpetta, it's a simple fact of life that I have to be careful of who and what I promote,' he stated candidly.
That said, Yarbrough also admitted that items and abilities in the game are purchased by players for the sake of convenience; "we're selling that convenience," he candidly stated.