They candidly discussed their differences in age (17 years), race and profession.
Here the contestants candidly discuss the past six days' events, holding nothing back in front of a live audience.
And what they are candidly discussing in this new film at the Roxy-well!
"I think the question of Federal responsibility needs to be discussed candidly with the American people," he said.
"I was one of the four or five guys who started slowly last year," Herr said, candidly discussing his 1986 failure.
I wish to candidly discuss possible solutions to our dispute.
Brunetti has been known for candidly discussing his intellectual and political views.
The other 40-year-old pitcher started the day with 191 career victories, and was candidly discussing his own baseball mortality.
She candidly discussed her plastic surgery, a series of procedures first undertaken when she was 55.
Participants stated that the accounting profession needs to candidly discuss what it is doing to improve the audit process to restore public trust.