In a long television campaign, this is a matter of which candidate wears best.
The candidate also wore his toga candida as he went about Rome canvassing, and when present at the polls on election day.
It sounds like you've already imagined this campaign down to the suits the candidates will wear in their commercials.
The candidate on the left wore the sidearm and steel talon guards of a military officer.
The word references a particularly bright shade of white that political candidates wore to mark their stations.
Think through what to wear to the polls, and what the candidates might wear for Halloween.
(The fact that both presidential candidates wore cowboy boots has not been not lost on us.)
And on the trail, candidates wear glinting lapel pins in the shape of two stone tablets.
Beginning at the secondary school level in the United States, the candidates will almost always wear academic dress, and increasingly faculty will do the same.
She wore a black business suit; the other candidates wore jeans.