The qualification requires candidates to have a range of technical competencies, provide a portfolio of evidence, and undertake a professional review.
This is so that only sufficiently prepared candidates will undertake the avoidance exercise.
Alternatively, candidates without an approved law degree may undertake the society's Diploma in Legal Studies before presenting for the society's degree.
In Unit 2 candidates will plan and undertake a substantial project requiring eight hours of work in a controlled environment.
The scheme requires candidates to undertake a course of training in accordance with a detailed syllabus, after which they sit an exam.
Mrs. Clinton spent much of her day immersed in activities that candidates typically undertake to lay the foundation of a campaign.
Each year, approximately 140 candidates undertake each of these two short courses.
Failing to get the 25 percent would force candidates to undertake a six-week petition drive to collect 15,000 valid signatures of Democratic voters in the state.
All candidates undertake an extensive project.
The candidate must have undertaken advanced training in cirucs arts, dance or in an acrobatic discipline.