Driven by the need for visual symbolism, Presidential candidates travel the country looking for appropriate settings.
In Utah, a candidate traveled the state with his wife on a tandem bicycle decked with campaign signs.
Although campaigning was difficult due to the sheer size of the constituency, some candidates did travel to several countries to talk to expatriates.
He notes dryly that both candidates have big airplanes with their names emblazoned and can easily travel to Oxford, Mississippi.
Both candidates traveled to Oregon twice.
The final four candidates traveled to Costa do Sauipe, Bahia.
Some candidates traveled to Maine during the 2008 campaign on visits to New Hampshire.
The candidate largely does not travel around or otherwise actively campaign.
In mid-November, the candidate traveled to the West Coast for a fundraising tour.
A common mistake, according to the manual, is that candidates travel to Washington to raise money, even though most PAC's are based outside the capital.