Historically, the pain has paid off; the inevitable candidate tends to be the nominee.
The other candidates have tended to wait for the world to discover them - and it has!
First, candidates tend to get momentum as they go through the process because of the bandwagon effect.
During election campaigns, candidates tend to show up at church services other than their own.
"The more extreme candidates, either liberal or conservative, tend to run behind, and sometimes they just stop right there."
In 2005, candidates tended to be local businessmen, activists and professionals.
The candidates that Fox approves of tend to have major flaws.
"Often you find energetic candidates tend to be the most successful," she said.
The candidates selected by the parties tend on the whole to be middle-aged, male, and white.
In the past, candidates have tended to make speeches while standing beside each other, rather than actually debating.