This year, if that vote goes elsewhere, Republican candidates, including the party's Presidential nominee, would presumably suffer.
Female candidates, it's presumed, have often suffered as a result of the stereotype that they could never be as strong as men.
Both candidates apparently suffer from a lack of visibility.
However, there are also exceptions where candidates accepted the role but suffered misfortune events and in some instances led to their deaths.
And in creating such a positive portrait of a 27-year-old John Kerry, it seems fair to ask whether the current candidate may suffer by comparison.
But others said they were still undecided, and it is this group that candidates will suffer endless trips to the Manchester airport to court.
Liberal candidates for office and progressive social causes like national health insurance have suffered in recent years from labor's anemic condition.
But no candidate suffered a knockout blow, and there were differing views on who fared best.
If it stalls out, as many economists believe it is about to, President Bush and other Republican candidates will suffer.
The Harkonnens didn't care how many small candidates suffered during the course of their training.