While the candidates sparred over the issue of soft money, they both agreed to limit direct or hard money spending, making their race the only statewide campaign in the country to adopt such limits.
The candidates sparred over issues like public education - with Governor Bush opposing a ballot initiative to require the state to reduce class sizes.
The seven Democratic candidates for President sparred gently here tonight in the first major debate of the 1988 campaign.
The two candidates sparred over which was more accurate, a machine recount or a hand recount.
The candidates sparred over issues like the state's fiscal condition, its worker's compensation program and whether taxpayers should pay the cost of health care for children of illegal immigrants.
The race was one of the most heated and divisive in decades, as candidates sparred over stem cells, the economy and taxes.
In the governor's race in Michigan this fall, the candidates repeatedly sparred over how best to combat "brain drain."
In recent days, the two leading candidates for the Republican nomination have sparred openly.
The candidates next sparred over the Governor's assertion that Jeb Bush had made a $1 million profit from a failed savings and loan.
The two candidates sparred a bit yesterday over that issue, and Mrs. Clinton sought to balance her support for abortion rights with her efforts to promote adoption.