At least three candidates were still arguing in Federal court as late as last Thursday.
In the meantime, the candidates argued over who has a more liberal record.
Even as the police try to explain the murders and the candidates argue about their significance, others caution against reading too much into the number.
The two candidates also argued over who won the overall debate.
Each candidate argues for his way of counting ballots.
Madrazo and the two other candidates argued throughout the campaign that the party apparatus had buoyed Labastida.
Democratic presidential candidate, Bill Clinton, argued likewise that the violence resulted from the breakdown of economic opportunities and social institutions in the inner city.
But waiting even that long, the candidates argued, could pose a problem.
But suddenly the candidates are now arguing over what to do with surpluses that no candidates in recent history have enjoyed.
The right-wingit and former presidential candidate argues that "immigrant invasions" threaten Western culture.